Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Surreal Way by AJ Kaufmann

Like plane wreckage
on a good breeze
white shift
phosphorescent rooms
towering curtains of smoke
deep cages
animal faces glowing
creeping above the cloud corridor
living fresh
enveloped streams of death
terrible fangs
zigzagging their ages
at the thresholds of beauty
be somewhere – die the surreal
dust to vigil to enemy
roaring like a refugee
when all shots
have failed

1 comment:

Danzr Von Thai said...

~ " Without doubt the most dangerous... circa Post-Modernism / Polish/German/English/Arian "

-- Danzr Von Thai

"Parkerville Revisited"
*txt rtist
{Praz Sekhmet}
[Hale Shmshemet]

(c) c);-)